

第32回 引用はなぜ大事なのか








しかし 間違いを間違いと認めることが大事なのです。








the analysis of neonazi,xiapfenhong and netouyo

the reason why I started to analyze this theme is because I want to know the structure of "Neto-yuo" of its psychology.


why I compare Netouyo with xiaofenhong and neonazi?

that is because this way of analyzing something is depend on dialecrical way.




key words


the people that account for most big part of netouyo is self employment and executive.

at the time of rising of fascism the people who support fascism is also the same.

is 小粉红、ilbe,alt-right also the same?



don’t easily consider revolutions would success by using violence.

don’t easily consider revolutions would success by using violence.
it is dogmatism and not dialectical materialism.

when we consider revolution we should compare some revolution in history to other revolution and by doing this analysis we need to grab precious experience from reality by practice.

don't just quoting Lenin's book or Marx's book or Chantal mouffee zizek and so on


but we should grab from experience on the other side analysis past revolution its root and process.



we Marxist consider this way of recognition on the relationship between universality and speciality.

is leftist terrorist? they are not patriots?

I think leftist is terrorist but if leftist is terrorist, Meiji's great man is also terrorist.

The members of accident 226 also are also terrorist.

communist also terrorist.

all of the historical people who changed the political system is terrorist.


are they not patriot?

I think leftist especially Marxist is not patriot if you define patriot as the man who loyal to modern state or government.

but if you define patriot as the man who loyal to community or civil society leftist also patriot.

Take a broad view of things leftist is also patriot.

Their thought  beyond the era beyond the particular view of that era.




if you consider the people who support government of that day is patriots, it's fault.



what is dogmatism and what is the problem of it?

what is dogmatism and what is the problem of it?
Dogmatism is
the way to recognize things by the rule or theory that was organized and abstracted.

what is the problem of dogmatism?
1) don't look at the fact the reality and just only apply theory or analyisis that one thinks it is true. And trap in the failure.

Let's say we use google every time and we also use review for eat lunch outside or buy something.
But sometime this review doesn't reflect reality.
So we sometimes fail to eat and buy good commodity.
the reason of that failure is because we just by using review and decide which store is more better than another.
And even if the Store is good for someone, the others maybe don't like it.
the reason of this phenomenon is because our value is not same and so diverse.
someone doesn't mind the service of clerks and attach importance to the atmosphere or some environment on the matter and vice versa.
the rule or theory that was abstracted don't look at this point.
so this is the problem of dogmatism.
Because the examples that I mentioned above is too simple and don't affect the life of us so it is not big problem.
however when we look at political fields or economic fields we can see the big influences of dogmatism on reality and it effects sometime so badly.
so we shouldn’t consider dogmatism as not important things.