



今、香港問題が世界中で議論されています。 アグネス・チョウさんをはじめ、香港の民主派リーダーが弾圧されています。 もし今の現状を青年・毛沢東が見たらどんな反応をするでしょうか。 今回は毛沢東が青年時代に書いた論文、「統一に反対する」を紹介しま…

ローザ・ルクセンブルクのレーニン批判 「ロシア社会民主党の組織問題」動画原稿

シリーズ企画 ローザの思想。第一回はロシア社会民主党の組織問題について取り上げます。 まず本動画の目的から。 本動画はレーニン以外のマルクス主義者に光を当てることを目的にしています。 まず「ロシア社会民主党の組織問題」とはどのような文なのか簡…

a sudden death of Yuzou Imai

When I was child I watched the tv where Yuzou Imai play the role. And the news told us the sudden death of Yuzou Imai today. I was shocked by it. but after that moment I thought we also die in this 100years whatever fast or late.

we haven’t already control the Internet.

From ancient times to contemporary times we humankind developed the science technology but we haven't already control the power of science technology. This is something like that monkey use a gun. There're a lot of information around us an…


“色即是空,空即是色;受想行识,亦复如是” 唯識論 三島由紀夫 天人五衰 豊饒の海 私が物を認識しない場合物は実体として存在しない。実態として存在しないものを認識すれば実体として存在する。



日記 これから

わかりやすく思想を紹介するにはどうしたらよいか。 FOR BEGINNERS シリーズを参照しよう。 文字だけではなく絵や図を使って。


ナショナリズム→マルクス主義→ポストモダン→ニヒリズム→ニーチェ 【幼少期〜高校生】 ナショナリズムを信奉していた。国が絶対なものだと信じて。しかしアーレントの全体主義の起源を読んでからナショナリズムは幻想、宗教だと思うようになった。 【高校〜大…

it's been 10years since japan big earthquake happened.

when i was 12 that earthquake was happened. because i was lived in Kyusyu so i hadn't known that disastaer. almost 10years have passed since that tragedy was happend. at that time people in japan really think who we are, what is the signif…

how to overcome nihilism?

the interest toward Ancient Greece

now I am interested in Ancient Greece. cause I recently listened the Greek music that was sung by Japanese woman,Futuna. I also want to get into the world of Greece. this mind is same as the experience when I read the Russian poem and Chin…

the future of working

The decrease of working population. Starting new venture also have no way to success. only big company and conglomerate control this world.

when I look at star

When I look at star I recall the scale our space ,of our universe. From Ancient times to today we invented a lot of machine and our science exceeded the limit of our Imagination. could the people of ancient times imagine today's scale of s…


どんなところにも素晴らしい人がいる。 職、国籍、性別など関係ない。 さまざまな分野に素晴らしい人たちがいるんだ。

don’t forget anything that made me so brilliant.

Don't forget anything that made my feel so brilliant.don't believe the word the people said you having the hostility.

2020will end soon

When I saw the tree that already haven't leaf, I feel the winter and the end of 2020. today I listened the music of China "春江花月夜” it is so beautiful. The strength of ancient China makes my feeling happy

my life will disappear but earth will continue to live. but this earth will also disappear. why do we need to think about todays problem. what is the significance of thinking about society and the mystery of our world. i am 21years old. my…

my life will disappear but earth will continue to live. but this earth will also disappear. why do we need to think about todays problem. what is the significance of thinking about society and the mystery of our world. i am 21years old. my…

I shouldn’t be in a emotion of nostalgia but

I shouldn't have been on a nostalgic emotion. but I am so yearn for the time of past. at that time the place where I had live is so flourishing and there were so many tourists and many hotel. But there are no trace of it. now the japanese …

but there are no truth and we can’t accept it.

But they are not true so we can't except it because our knowledge to truth is so limited. and we don't know these things. so we can easily can be treated by limited information. The most important problem is we can't accept the whole infor…

we need to separate the information to truth and fake.

when we accept a lot of information there a lot of fake news in the news that there's no evidence. and if you don't have Some attitude toys information we can easily be cheated by some fake news. and that fake news not only make some bad a…

やがて消えるなのに なんで私は生きている やがて消える地球なのに 何のために社会を考える 何のために学ぶ やがては消える宇宙なのに なんのために私は考えている。 私を覚えてくれる人がいたとして その人もやがては白い灰になる。 始皇帝もチンギスハンも…


2019年の冬、一人のお医者さんが銃弾に打たれました。 中村哲さん。 アフガニスタンの砂漠に緑をもたらし、多くのアフガン人の命を救った方です。 中村哲さんは生前いくつか本を出版されました。 今回は彼の本の中から私が一番感銘を受けた部分をご紹介して…

dr tetsu nakamura the brutality of modern theory

Hi there I'm soren today I wanna talk about the brutality of civilizations but what is the brutality of civilization check it out. according to the book written by tetsu nakamura, the brutality of civilization is that is to say the problem…

Я хочу спать.Недавно я начал изучать русский язык.

carry the legacy of tetsu nakamura

Tetsu nakamura is japanese doctor who was in Afghanistan and by terrorist shooted. i read his book lately. and I thought we need to overcome modernism


When I think about universe I think like thet as follows below. No matter how you think about the problem of this society, for example war, poverty, inequality, universe will be end and humankind also will go to end. no matter how we think…

the problem of plastic surgery-what is the cause and how should we solve it.

In Korea there are a lot of people who had a plastic surgery. at first I want to say I don't deny these people. they have the right to choose how they live. so in this context I really don't deny this behavior. the point that today I focus…


不晓得自己选择什么职业。 我一直在困扰。 我的人生怎么转变。 无论我当什么职业想把自己的思想留在心里。