


a sudden death of Yuzou Imai

When I was child I watched the tv where Yuzou Imai play the role. And the news told us the sudden death of Yuzou Imai today. I was shocked by it. but after that moment I thought we also die in this 100years whatever fast or late.

we haven’t already control the Internet.

From ancient times to contemporary times we humankind developed the science technology but we haven't already control the power of science technology. This is something like that monkey use a gun. There're a lot of information around us an…


“色即是空,空即是色;受想行识,亦复如是” 唯識論 三島由紀夫 天人五衰 豊饒の海 私が物を認識しない場合物は実体として存在しない。実態として存在しないものを認識すれば実体として存在する。