


finance capital

“In principle the human productive community may be constituted in either of two ways. First, it may be consciously regulated.” “Their relations of production are directly manifest as social relations, and the economic relations between in…


①ソ連は社会主義国家とは言いにくい(1957年時点での見解)1956がスターリン批判の年→山川:「ソ連は国家資本主義の国」 ②社会主義にもさまざまな道がある。一つしか認めないのはマルクス主義ではない。 ③スターリニズムはスターリン個人の問題ではない。ソ連…

marcuse soviet marxism

「Marcuse sees domination in the Soviet Union as linked to the Soviet bureaucracy and new rationality of industrial societies.[1] The individual is forced to submit to the machine process.Marcuse also critiques the Soviet division between …