


today’s chaos

When I watch twitter there are a lot of opinion that is something to do with political issue. But they have own point and have some political standpoint. a lot of people think that the opinion they have is correct and true by no evidence. …

change the standpoint and can get to know the invisible thing.

Today I went to convenience store worked for 3 hours. and I met one customer who was so angry ageists me. but I think I also had a bad point, although it is only the value that can be used only in radical customerism-capitalism society in …

japan after the World War II

There are a lot of point of View toward history. we have already forgot the importance of history. There are a lot of people who only think about economy but not think about history and historical value. But is it really OK? today we are r…

the seeds of fiction

theme:the critics of modernism and standing on it think about today's society by using the type of story.

the strength of words

Words won't change this world? when i see the comment on internet,I really think words can't change this society. because the people don't depend on the fact but depend on the truth that people trust. They don't want to see the fact only w…

what is the problem of historical materialism

How many criticism does historical materialism have?

someday I will die.

I will die in one of these days. I will return to nothing.I was born in nothing and I will come back to nothing. when I rethink about my lifetime, I get to know how short of my life. all of the things will go back to nothing. when I look b…

the script of fiction

One protagonist leans toward to be the clown. he want to chose his own life by himself. but he can't do it. because he want to be seen as a good man,as one gentleman who is kind to other people especially towards his girlfriend. his real t…

to no

In the future I will die. i don't fear death itself but I fear me to wu(there are not anything, and no concept of nothing.) Although I die, after my death also this society will continue semiparmanently. I just fear it. I just fear to lose…


参考文献 http://blog.tatsuru.com/2018/04/28_1006.html

トロツキー わが生涯 後編 参考文献

https://www.osaka-ue.ac.jp/file/general/5174 ソ連の歴史 山川、木村英亮p81 トロツキー追放決議


https://comworks.co.jp/narration/order/genkou/ http://kojigen.com/nonfiction-3511.html https://sharakubin.com/genkou/ https://oiuy.net/archives/519 english election https://www.desktop-documentaries.com/how-to-write-a-script.html

ルカーチ 参考資料まとめ


does Tenno-sei remain in communist society?!

I wanna think about this theme. because we Marxist think that the emperor can't desist in communist society but why? because I can't explain so clearly, my understanding of communism is still not good.




what is the difference between the youth in 1968 and 2020?


研究動機 西成での露店排除を見て、道路とは一体誰のものなのか考える必要があると思ったから。 研究目的 日本における道路の歴史を分析し、それは一体誰のものだったのかを探る。 与此同时






マルクスの想定した労働者像と現代の労働者像は全く違う。 マルクスの想定した労働者像をまず認識し、 現代労働者との対比を行う。 また多様な現代労働者についての検討も行う。 このことを通して、旧来的なプロレタリア革命論にメスを入れる。




不断的知识的好奇心让我的视界敞开。 知识好奇心给我安慰 追求知识追求学习研究的过程中拿到的东西是相当珍贵的礼物。 是世上唯一的礼物。 而且这个礼物是我死了之后也不断留下去的。


关键 我们都是非洲人(我们的祖先都是在非洲出现了) 我们都是地球人(国民国家是近代的时候出现了。之前没有明显的民族的概念。民族是国家推动的抽象概念) 民族是暧昧模糊(冲绳人和爱奴人以前被日本人觉得他们不是日本人,但是现在被认同他们是日本人)


我们常常去错误的路 我们常常犯选择性抽象思维 我要广宽看面前的东西。 不要急于抵达目的 人的思维不完美

