


why people like to jump in exaggerated information.

Lately I thought why people like to jump in the information that is so exaggerated. Maybe I think the mass don't like to challenge to learn some complicated information. cause some complicated information make us feel exhausted. but I thin…

スノーデン パナマ文書 忘れない


ナショナリズムを血に求めるな、文化に求めよ 純潔の日本人は存在しない。 そのくらい血統というのは曖昧模糊なもの。 絵の具のように混ざり合う。 日本はいずれ消えて無くなるだろう。 日本に限らず全ての国家の宿命だ。 だけど無くならないものがある。 人…

do we need to shake off nationalism?

When I watched the video that is the discussion between ZenKyoTou which is revolutionary communist group in universities and Yukio Mishima, I thought how to face nationalism. up to the present time we Japanese faced a lot of nationalistic …